(ENG) Export to PDF

Gewijzigd op Do, 16 Nov, 2023 om 9:43 AM

A Docfield document can be exported to PDF.

Export to PDF:

  1. Open the relevant document.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click on the 3 dots (...).
  3. Click on "Download PDF" or "Download annotated PDF".

See 1. Export to (Annotated) PDF


  • A standard PDF always has the watermark 'draft', except in the last workflow step.
  • Put the document in the LAST workflow step to finalize the document and remove this text.

See 2. Example of a document with and without "concept" watermark 


  • The markup in the annotated (!) PDF indicates which texts can be edited by writers in the document.
  • The remaining text can only be edited in the template that the document is based on.
  • An annotated PDF always has "concept" as a watermark on the pages.

See 3. Example of an annotated PDF

1. Export to (annotated) PDF

2. Example of a document with and without "concept watermark

3. Example of an annotated PDF

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