(ENG) Options Annotated PDF

Gewijzigd op Do, 16 Nov, 2023 om 9:42 AM

Options Annotated PDF

It is possible to adjust the settings of your annotated PDF. To do so, click on the 3 dots (...) in the top right of the navigation bar. Then click on "Annotated PDF Options".

Here you have the following options:

  • Show Description (blue): By turning this on, you will also see in the annotated PDF the help text that was put in the template by the template creator.
  • Show unselected options: By turning this on, you also get to see in the annotated PDF the not selected options within a selection list. 

Below we have posted two examples, first where both options are on, then where both options are off.

Result with both options on:

Result with both options off:

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