(ENG) Workflow usage in documents

Gewijzigd op Vr, 9 Feb, 2024 om 10:19 AM

Workflow usage in documents

The structure of the workflow is determined at the template level. You start using the workflow at the document level. You can "write" or "read-only" in the document, depending on the workflow status.

Workflow step

A user needs to have 'full access' (1) or 'can edit' (2) access or be the step assignee (3) to change the status of a document. It takes the following steps:

  1. Click the "Complete step" button next to the current workflow step in the top right corner (see image);
  2. Now, the document will be moved to the next workflow step.

Deadline and assignees

A user needs 'full access' to the document to change the deadline of a workflow step or assign a user to it. Click the button with the name of the current workflow step:

To change the deadline, select the "No deadline" or an existing deadline option and select or change the date.

To assign workflow step assignees, select the "No assignee" option:

  • Here, you can select from the list of users who have at least 'can read' access to the document;
  • Assigning users as assignees will subscribe them to notifications about the document within the assigned step;
  • Additionally, workflow step assignees are granted extra permissions within the assigned step. They can:
    • Complete the step;
    • Approve editable blocks;
    • (if you have this feature enabled) Publish, unpublish a document, update the publication and toggle the visibility of older versions when assigned to the last step;
  • If multiple users are assigned, any of them can change the step.

Final step

A document can only go to the last workflow step when all blocks are approved. You can see this by (1) the progress bar next to the workflow status and (2) by the round balls next to the section titles in the left sidebar. These indicate that there are still blocks that still need to be approved. You can check these off by clicking on the round ball next to the block, this will then turn green indicating that the block has been approved. You may need to save the textbox itself before approving it.

The "draft" text over the exported PDF will disappear when the document is in the final workflow step.

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