Welcome! This is the manual for users invited to work as writers on documents in Docfield. This manual is a supplementation to our support page, where all features are explained. If the terminology is unclear, make sure to click on the bold terms for further explanation. This manual consists of 4 steps. 

Step 1. 

You've got mail! If you haven't received your Docfield invitation, make sure to check your spam folder. By pressing the green button, you'll get access to the document environment. After the Surfconext portal, you can get started with giving feedback. In the top menu, there is a yellow arrow including a number within: this number represents the number of actions you're assigned. 

In the left navigation bar you will see comments and uncompleted actions per section.

Example of symbols for uncompleted actions (left) and comments (right)

When you finish all the actions, this yellow arrow will turn into a green arrow. Now you've done your job, the document is ready for the next phase in the workflow. 

Step 2. 
Make sure to start filling in the smart fieldsThese are connected throughout the document and by filling in one, all corresponding fields will get updated automatically.

As a writer, you'll mostly add or adjust customizable text fields. You can either copy/paste text from Word, or fill them in manually. These can be recognized by the green circle next to it. If you've finished these blocks, make sure to click on the green save button below the block, before filling in the green circle.

Is there no green circle next to the block of text? Then you've found 

static text. Your admin decided that this needs no addition or changes by the writers. Do you disagree? You can place a comment with a tag (@) to make sure that they will get notified about this section. 

Tables can be filled in manually, or you can copy/paste them from Word. Don't worry about the layout, this will be scaled by our app afterwards. 

Choice lists are designed to let different programs pick different values. Make sure to save your actions after each block by clicking on the green save button. 

Step 3. 
Invite users to the specific document if you need them to work on that one document. You can do this by clicking 'Share' in the top right corner when you're in the shared document. Select their role and they will get an invitation by e-mail. Do you want the users to work on multiple documents? You can invite them to the document folder by clicking on the 'plus' sign below the folder name. This will grant them access to all documents in the folder. Select their role and they will get an invitation by e-mail.

The writers are allowed to change the contents of the document and place comments. They can also invite other writers and reviewers. Static text can never be changed within documents. 
Reviewers are never allowed to change the contents of the document but can place comments, tag colleges, invite and resolve comments. 

Step 4. 

All users can place comments by clicking on the plus sign next to a block. If you add @, you can tag your colleagues. They will receive a message from Docfield with your comment. Don't worry about spamming them with messages, Docfield sends the messages in batches. If the document already has comments, you can also react to these comments to start a thread.

Resolve a comment:

If comments are dealt with, it's helpful to not let them clutter your view. You can click on the comment and select resolve, to move the comments to “resolved comments”. Resolved comments disappear from the text blocks and the table of contents. 

Show resolved comments:

Now all resolved comments will be set back to their initial position. 

Click on Track Changes:

Variable text can be recognized by the "save" button below the text and the blue lines around the block. By clicking the date after "Last modified", you will be able to view the changes on this block (Track changes).

Inspect the changes

You should get an overview of the previous versions of this text block, starting from the template. By clicking on the double arrows, a comparison will be made between the original text and the current text. Green is used to show added text, while red is used for deleted text. In the navigation column on the left, you can see which user made the changes.

This is the end of the manual. Good luck with collaborating in Docfield!