(ENG) Document: Upload attachments (PDF)

Gewijzigd op Do, 16 Nov, 2023 om 4:50 PM

It is common that documents need complex tables or other attachments that do not fit within the chapters. For this purpose, we have developed attachments. By using PDF as a standard, we provide users with the maximum flexibility to easily add complex tables, figures, and other items. With attachments, it is possible to add PDF files of one or more pages to documents.

Types of attachments

There are 3 types of attachments, added on template level within Docfield:

  1. Fixed attachments (template attachments): these are added at the template level and are the same for each document.
  2. Writer-uploaded attachments (document attachments): these attachments are mandatory for all documents, but are added by the writers of the documents.
  3. Optional attachments (document optional attachments): these optional attachments can be added by writers themselves to a document, or can be skipped.

Uploading a writer's attachment

In a document, in the chapter navigation (at the bottom) click on the "Document attachment" button. Those are indicated with a missing item mark. You are now taken to the attachment page where you can upload an attachment by selecting a file.

Furthermore, you can include additional attachments directly from a document.

That way, you can create a document specific attachment.

In a document, click on '+ Add appendix' on the left below the chapter navigation. From there you can name the attachment and upload a PDF file.

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