Manual Reviewers

Gewijzigd op Di, 21 Nov, 2023 om 12:57 PM

Welcome! This is the manual for users invited to work as reviewers on documents in Docfield. This manual is a supplementation to our support page, where all features are explained. The video is created for a general overview, while the text explains each step in more detail. 

Step 1.

You've got mail! If you haven't received your Docfield invitation, could you make sure to check your spam folder? By pressing the green button in the email, you'll get access to the document environment. Log in with your Educonext. In the top navigation bar of the document, you can see the workflow phase of this document. In the left navigation bar, you will see comments and uncompleted actions per section.

Example of symbols for uncompleted actions (left) and comments (right)

Step 2. 

All users can place comments by clicking on the plus sign next to a block. If you add @, you can tag your colleagues. They will receive a message from Docfield with your comment. Don't worry about spamming them with messages, Docfield will send the messages in batches. If the document already has comments, you can also react to these comments to start a thread.

Resolve a comment:

If comments are dealt with, it is preferred to not let them clutter your view. You can click on the comment and select resolve, to move the comments to “resolved comments”. Resolved comments disappear from the text blocks and the table of contents. 

Show resolved comments:

Editable text can be recognized by the "save" button below the text and the blue lines around the block. By clicking the date after "Last modified", you will be able to view the changes on this block (Track changes).

Click on Track Changes:

Now you get an overview of the previous versions of this text block, starting from the template. By clicking on the double arrows, a comparison will be made between the original text and the current text. Green is showing added text, while red is used for deleted text. In the navigation column on the left, you can see which user made the changes. 

Inspect the changes:

Step 3 (optional)

Some reviewers have to invite their colleagues into the document; for some this is already done by the admin. This will depend on the specific settings for your school. If you have to invite your peers, you can do this by clicking on "share" in the navigation menu on the right. Fill in their email and assign them roles, to let them in the document. 

This is the end of the manual. Good luck with collaborating and writing!

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