
Gewijzigd op Di, 2 Jan, 2024 om 1:44 PM


A signature can be used to sign a contract or agreement in Docfield. Signatures can be used/created in two different ways using Docfield; manually and automatically. This is explained below:

Automatic signature

A signature field can be created by clicking on the plus "+" below another text block/element.

A text element with 2 signers will now appear. Additional signers can be added by clicking on "+ Additional signer" at the bottom. A signatory can be removed by clicking on the cross to the right of the signature person. At document level, individuals can be designated as signatories.

Manual signature

It is also possible to make a template suitable for signing outside Docfield. This can then be done on paper or with another tool.

Using tables in Docfield, one or more signature fields can be created. Here, you can play with the cell outlines in the table, the number of columns/rows and low dashes (underscores). This creates a text element with space for signatures. See the example below.

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