Duplicate & create copy

In Docfield, it is possible to create a copy of an existing document and duplicate it in the following way:

1. At the top of the navigation bar, click the action button with the 3 dots (...). Then click on "Duplicate".

2. Enter a document name for the duplicate/copy you want to create. Click "Duplicate" to create a duplicate of the existing document.

Importing content

In Docfield, it is also possible to import content from existing documents into new documents. The current document content is then replaced with matching content from another document, such as:

  • editable contents;
  • choices;
  • smart fields' values;
  • appendices.

Importing the above content into a new document works as follows:

1. At the top of the navigation bar, click the action button with the 3 dots (...). Then click on "Import content".

2. Choose the existing document whose content you want to import into your current document. Click the blue "Import" button to import the content into your document.