(ENG) Special Smart Fields (date, mail, etc.)

Gewijzigd op Di, 21 Nov, 2023 om 2:55 PM

Special Smart Fields 

To ensure more consistency in the smart fields, it is possible to specify that only certain types of text can be filled in smart fields. Below, we explain which smart fields there are and how to set them in your template:

Different types of smart fields

  • Text: Here the writer should enter normal text
  • Date: Here the writer must choose a date from a calendar (DD - MM - YYYY)
  • Number: The writer must enter a number, not letters (4.1 is possible, 4.a is not)
  • Email: The writer must enter an email address here
  • Hyperlink: The writer must enter a website/URL here
  • Single choice: The writer must choose from one of the options set up in the template.

Creating special smart fields

1. Click the smart field icon in the toolbar.

2. Give the smart field a name and choose the right smart field type when creating it. The choices speak for themselves, but you can see from the numbers (on the image below) which type of smart field you need to create in this case for which type of text. For example, for "Number of family members" a "Number" smart field and for "Date" obviously a "Date" smart field.

3. At document level, fill in the smart fields. Fully completed special smart fields are shown here on the left.

For the "Date" smart field, you will see a calendar from which you can quickly select a date (see on the right).

Single choice smart field

The "single choice" smart field, needs more explanation. It is used when you want to give the document writer multiple choices, from which one choice will be made. For example; male/female, full-time/part-time, HBO/WO/MBO.

1. Under "Create new smart field", click on "Single Choice".

2. Name the smart field "Gender" and create the choices. Click "Add another option" to create additional options. A help text for document writers can also be added here.

3. At document level, it looks like the image below, and a choice can be made.

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